Performing Actions on Files
From the Explore Incidents page you can perform the following actions on the files in the blob:
n | Download the file as it was before it was sanitized or blocked, by clicking Download Original. |
n | Download the sanitized version of the file by clicking Download sanitized. |
n | Release an original file that was blocked. |
Releasing the Original Version of a Blocked Email
If an email has been blocked, you can release it from the blob and send it to one or more email recipients.
Usually, this procedure is performed by IT and only under unusual circumstances.
To enable the release of blocked files, you must first configure the following system settings:
n SMTP Server location
nSMTP Server port
nSMTP Server username
nSMTP Server password
For more information, see
n | If the released file is of type EML, the original sender's email address appears in the email that contains the attachment. |
n | If the released file is of another type, the email address of the user defined for the SMTP Server username setting appears as sender in the email that contains the attachment. |
To release a blocked email:
1. | Click an email file in the list of blocked files, then click Release Original. |
The following dialog is displayed:
The dialog shows the same email addresses as were included in the original email, as well as their original designations: To, Cc, or Bcc.
2. | Accept the email addresses that are displayed or delete one or more, as needed. You cannot add email addresses. |
3. | Click Release to send the email. |
Releasing the Original Version of a Blocked File
If an file has been blocked, you can release it from the blob and send it to the OUT folder configured in Disarmer for File Transfer.
Usually, this procedure is performed by IT and only under unusual circumstances.
To enable the release of blocked files, you must first configure the Management Platform in Disarmer for File Transfer.
For more information, see Votiro Disarmer for File Transfer.
To release a blocked file, click a file in the list of blocked files, then click Release Original.
The original file is sent to the OUT folder.
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