This article describes why files may not be sanitized due to a timeout limit being reached.
In some cases the process of sanitizing a complex email with file attachments may take longer then expected. In such cases the maximum processing time set in the Email-Connector configuration file is reached and the process will timeout.
In such cases, the email recipient receives the original email with the subject field changed by the addition of ***Unsanitized*** at the beginning of the original subject.
1. | Open the last \ relevant Email-connector log installed on the Edge server - the logs are located by default under: C:\Program Files\Votiro\SDS-Connector\Logs. |
2. | Open the log with a text editor and search for "Unsanitized". |
3. | You should find the following: |
"UnExpected error. Passing unsanitized email."
Just above this row you will see:
"result is TimeOut.".
4. | Next, open and browse the following XML: |
C:\Program Files\Votiro\SDS-Connector\WebApiHandlerConfig.xml.
In the XML you will find 2 timeout values:
t | WebApiTimeoutInMS - The total length of time the SDS-Connector waits for a sanitization to be completed, in milliseconds. |
Value Range: 5000 to 180000000 Default value is 90000. This is the value you should change.
t | WebRequestTimeoutInMS - The length of time the SDS-Connector waits per API request from the SDS-WS, in milliseconds. |
Value Range: 5000 to 180000000, Default value is 60000.
5. | Increase the value of "WebApiTimeoutInMS". Save and Close the XML file. |
6. | Restart the MSExchangeTransport service. |
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