To obtain a permanent Votiro Cloud license key you must perform the following steps:
1. | Create a MachineStats.xml file. |
2. | Send the MachineStats.xml file to Votiro Support. |
3. | Receive a license file from Votiro Support. |
4. | Save to license file in the appropriate folder. |
The MachineStats.xml file contains information on the machine that VotiroVotiro Cloud is installed on, such as OS version, memory size and number of cores.
Votiro Support generate a corresponding license key for VotiroVotiro Cloud, which is required for product activation.
1. | Using the link you received from Votiro Support, download the file to the Votiro Cloud server. |
2. | Extract the zip file. |
3. | Open CMD with Administrator privileges. |
4. | Navigate to the MachineStats folder. |
5. | Run the following command: |
MachineKeyTool.exe -o c:\[FullFileOutputPath]\MachineStats.xml
A MachineStats.xml file is created in the chosen destination folder.
6. | Send the MachineStats.xml file to Votiro Support via email or via Votiro's Customer Portal. |
Votiro Support will provide a license file (VotiroLicense.xml).
7. | Place the license file in the SDS-WS installation root folder. The default location is: |
C:\Program Files\Votiro\SDS Web Service.
To verify that VotiroVotiro Cloud has been successfully activated, navigate to the API log file (the default location is:
C:\Program Files\Votiro\SDS Web Service\Logs\API).
The following is an example of output that should appear in the log:
4880-1 | 17/07/2018 16:16:00.208 | 2 Info | License was validated successfully, license details.
It can take up to 30 minutes for the information to appear in the API log.
To renew your license key contact Votiro Support for a replacement VotiroLicense.xml file. Provide a new MachineStats.xml file if the OS version, memory size or number of cores in your environment have changed since receiving the last VotiroLicense.xml file.
Replace your license key when renewal is required. VotiroVotiro Cloud will continue running for a grace period after the renewal date, providing time for you to receive and install the new license key.
At the expiration of the grace period VotiroVotiro Cloud services are stopped and files will not be sanitized.
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