Post-Installation Steps
After you have completed the Votiro Disarmer installation, verify that it was successful and obtain a license key.
Obtaining a License Key
To obtain a permanent Votiro Disarmer license key you must perform the following steps:
1. | Create a MachineStats.xml file. |
2. | Send the MachineStats.xml file to Votiro Support. |
3. | Receive a license file from Votiro Support. |
4. | Save to license file in the appropriate folder. |
The MachineStats.xml file contains information on the machine that Votiro Disarmer is installed on, such as OS version, memory size and number of cores.
Votiro Support generate a corresponding license key for Votiro Disarmer, which is required for product activation.
1. | Using the link you received from Votiro Support, download the file to the Votiro Disarmer server. |
2. | Extract the zip file. |
3. | Open CMD with Administrator privileges. |
4. | Navigate to the MachineStats folder. |
5. | Run the following command: |
MachineKeyTool.exe -o c:\[FullFileOutputPath]\MachineStats.xml
A MachineStats.xml file is created in the chosen destination folder.
6. | Send the MachineStats.xml file to Votiro Support via email or via Votiro's Customer Portal. |
Votiro Support will provide a license file (VotiroLicense.xml).
7. | Place the license file in the SDS-WS installation root folder. The default location is: |
C:\Program Files\Votiro\SDS Web Service.
Verifying Votiro Disarmer Activation
To verify that Votiro Disarmer has been successfully activated, navigate to the API log file (the default location is: C:\Program Files\Votiro\SDS Web Service\Logs\API).
The following is an example of output that should appear in the log:
4880-1 | 17/07/2018 16:16:00.208 | 2 Info | License was validated successfully, license details.
It can take up to 30 minutes for the information to appear in the API log.
Renewing Your Votiro License Key
To renew your license key contact Votiro Support for a replacement VotiroLicense.xml file. Provide a new MachineStats.xml file if the OS version, memory size or number of cores in your environment have changed since receiving the last VotiroLicense.xml file.
Replace your license key when renewal is required. Votiro will continue running for a grace period after the renewal date, providing time for you to receive and install the new license key.
At the expiration of the grace period Votiro Disarmer services are stopped and files will not be sanitized.
Verifying that Votiro Windows Services Are Active and Running
The services described in the following table are installed as part of the Disarmer product:
Service | Description |
Votiro Scanner | The Votiro Scanner service is located at: The Votiro Scanner service maintains a log file for all activity. The log file is located at: [installation_path]\Votiro\ |
Votiro.Sanitization.API | The Votiro.Sanitization.API service is located at: The Votiro.Sanitization.API service maintains a log file for all activity. The log file is located at: [installation_path]\Votiro\SDS Web Service\Logs\API. |
Votiro.SNMC | The Votiro.SNMC service is located at: The Votiro.SNMC service maintains a log file for all activity. The log file is located at: [installation_path]\Votiro\SDS Web Service\Logs\SNMC. The SNMC manages n sanitization nodes. Nodes have log files that are located at: |
Votiro.Sandbox | The Votiro.Sandbox service is located at: [instalation_path]\Votiro\Sandbox. The Votiro.Sandbox service maintains a log file for all activity. The log file is located at: [installation_path]\Votiro\Sandbox\Logs. |
To check that these services are all active and running:
1. | Navigate to the Windows Services screen: Windows > Administrative Tools > Services. |
2. | Locate the Votiro Disarmer Windows Services that are detailed in the table above: |
t | Votiro Scanner |
t | Votiro.Sanitization.API |
t | Votiro.SNMC |
t | Votiro.Sandbox |
3. | For each of these services, ensure that the following details are displayed: |
t | Status is Running. |
t | Startup Type is Automatic. |
The Votiro Scanner service is dependent on the MS Windows Net.Pipe Listener Adapter service. Check that the status of the Votiro Scanner service is Running.
Enabling HTTPS (SSL) on the Votiro.Sanitization.API Service
An SSL certificate is used to establish a secure encrypted connection between a browser and a server. An SSL certificate must be installed on the server and all browsers that connect to the Disarmer using HTTPS.
You must have administrator privileges on the server hosting Disarmer and access to the Windows SDK to use the file makecert.exe.
The procedure includes generating and installing an SSL certificate. If you already have an SSL certificate, skip to step 2.
1. | Create and install a certificate on the server that hosts Disarmer: |
a. | Create a ROOT certificate by issuing the following command: makecert.exe -sk RootCA -sky signature -pe -n CN=[MachineHostName] -r -sr LocalMachine -ss Root [RootCertName].cer |
b. | Create a server certificate: makecert.exe -sk server -sky exchange -pe -n CN=[MachineHostName] -ir LocalMachine -is Root -ic [RootCertName].cer -sr LocalMachine -ss My [CertName].cer |
c. | Browse to the Windows Certificate list and verify that a new valid certificate exists under the Personal path. |
d. | The Certificate Path should contain two levels with Certificate Status stating This certificate is OK. |
e. | Copy the server certificate’s Thumbprint under Details > Thumbprint.
Remove all spaces from the Thumbprint before copying.
f. | Bind the server certificate to your SSL port (default: 443) with the following command: |
netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash=[thumbprint] appid={b6445322-3509-4d0f-8b4b-0a12eeadaed0}
2. | Restart the Votiro.Sanitization.API and Votiro.SNMC Windows services. |
3. | Browse to https://[MachineHostName]/SdsService/v3, replacing [MachineHostName] with the server host. Verify that there is no certificate warning or validation issue. You should expect the Endpoint not found message. |
Your API client might enforce a valid certificate. In such a case, the Root certificate ([RootCertName].cer) generated in step 1 must be installed in the local certificate store.
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