We are very pleased to announce the latest release of Votiro VA On-premises version 9.9. This version contains important enhancements to our product!
New OS – Ubuntu
As a result of Centos 7 EOL, our new VA on-premises product now supports a new OS – Ubuntu. This will allow our product to run with sustainable OS for long periods of time.
Votiro Management new UI
The new UI contains a new design for the Monitor and Events pages.
Threat Analytics Dashboard
The new dashboard provides important insights and analytics to our customers. Using this dashboard, our customers will get a holistic view of the organization's threat activity.
New product experience for threat hunting
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The new end-to-end experience of an investigation will reduce the investigation process for our customer security teams by knowing the exact suspicious activity that was found. |
URL Protection enhanced solution
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Blacklist support - Our product now supports blacklisting URLs. URLs in this list will be tagged as suspicious and will be blocked/removed. |
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Remove suspicious links in email body - The link will be removed once a suspicious link is detected in the email body. For PDF and Office files, once a suspicious link is detected, the file will be blocked. |
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False positive improvements - Reduced the number of files that are blocked due to false positive detection. |
Monitor mode
Try before purchase with our Monitor mode. Our product supports Monitor mode to get insightful analytics on threat activity.
File type support
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HTML attachment sanitization - HTML files that are attached to emails will now be sanitized and any suspicious activity will be eliminated. |
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JSON and XML - eliminate and block any suspicious activity that can be hidden. |
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Japanese file formats sanitization support - DWG, DXF, DWT, DWS, JWW, SFC, P21, JTD, JTDC, XDW |
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Large media file sanitization - up to 10 GB |
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Apple iWork file formats |
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Bzip and Xz file formats |
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MXF media file sanitization |
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Built-in file connector - Our product now supports a new built-in version of File Connector. This will allow our customers to have smooth integration for shared folder sanitization. |
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Browser plugin - Important fixes |
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Office 365 - Important fixes |
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AWS S3 - Support multiple SQS queues |
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ICAP - Our product now supports ICAP protocol for sanitizing files that run in the ICAP proxy server. |
The new SIEM
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SIEM platforms integration – Sumo Logic, Azure Sentinel |
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Syslog message events enhancements Our product will report a single summary message that contains all the important data for the event and will focus the SOC teams on the important data. |
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Syslog protocol enhancements – UDP, TCP, TLS v1.2 |
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Syslog format enhancements – CEF, LEEF |
Policy control
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Insert PPF portal URL into Email body |
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Remove/Preserve Metadata in Media files |
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Remove/Preserve External images in Image files |
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Remove/Preserve metadata in PDF files. |
In Microsoft Office files:
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The user can Remove/Preserve External links. |
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The user can Block/Preserve files with DDE. |
Expanded AV engine scans
Our product now supports two AV engine scans.
By default, our product will run with one AV engine (There is AV Policy control). To activate a second AV, contact Votiro support.
System customization
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PDF template for PPF/blocked files - Our customers will be able to customize the Blocked PDF templates through the Management console. |
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PDF Digital Signatures – Import certificate - Our customers will be able to import their desired certificates for sanitizing PDF with Digital Signatures. |
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Differentiate ports for Votiro login page and PPF portal - Contact Votiro support for this customization. |
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Remove Votiro logo from PPF portal - Contact Votiro support for this customization. |
Fake file handling
A file from the same family, but with a different extension, will not be considered to be a fake file. For example, a BMP file with a JPEG extension will not be considered as a fake file.
System Requirements
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Specifications: We have changed our specifications as a result of OS changes, new file type support and new product capabilities. These changes were made to achieve optimum performance and stability. |
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CPU Core 8 per node (for 3 nodes cluster) |
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RAM 24GB per node (for 3 nodes cluster) |
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Disk space – 500GB per node |
Recommendation - Working with external storage
We recommended working with an external NFS (Network File System) for handling larger volumes or to enhance performance (e.g., to achieve a high sanitization rate). External storage can provide greater flexibility and can accommodate larger file sizes beyond the temporary internal storage limit, ensuring that your operations continue smoothly without interruption. Working with internal storage can cause system errors if temporary internal storage exceeds the maximum. In that case, the system will return an error and sanitization will be enabled only after the temporary storage returns to normal operation.
Resolved Issues
A large number of open issues have been resolved in this latest version release.
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Resolved major issues in Votiro Office 365 Email |
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Resolved major issues in the Votiro Browser plugin |
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Resolved major stability and performance issues in the Votiro Menlo Connector |
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Resolved an issue where SAML integration wasn't working as expected and users could not login |
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Resolved an issue where LDAPS could not be configured |
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Resolved an issue where some policy cases were missing when upgrading to v9.9 |
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Resolved an issue where a file with a printer setting was blocked due to system failure |
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Resolved an issue where a summary report could not be generated sometimes due to system failure |
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Resolved an issue where MIP files were not detected correctly |
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Resolved an issue where there was no error when importing a license with incorrect system ID |
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Resolved an issue where VA v9.9 failed installation in air-gapped environments |
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Resolved an issue where the PDF blocked reason was garbled with Japanese characters |
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Resolved an issue where DXF was detected incorrectly and was blocked |
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Resolved an issue where embedded images in PDF were displayed with wrong orientation |
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Resolved an issue where a threat inside a password-protected file was not detected correctly |
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Resolved an issue where some PDF files could not be opened after sanitization using Adobe PDF Reader |
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Resolved an issue where some benign sections were removed from SVG files |
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Resolved an issue where animation was removed from SVG files |
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Resolved an issue where some PDF files were blocked due to sanitization failures |
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Resolved an issue where SAML users could not access the Management dashboard |
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Resolved an issue where some JPG files were identified as Unknown |
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Resolved an issue where EXIF GPS Metadata were not preserved after sanitization |
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Resolved an issue where P12 files were unable to be processed and were blocked due to system failure |
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Resolved an issue where specific GIF files lost transparency after sanitization |
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Resolved an issue where some password protected PDF files were not detected properly |
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Maintainability of the system infrastructure to ensure high availability and up time |
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Resolved an issue where some files where blocked as corrupted due to system redis error |
Download Release Notes
Full release note details are in Votiro VA On-premises v9.9 Release Notes.
To download, click
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